Hi Everyone,
As we are relatively new to the fun world of Geocaching, we are wanting to know where we can pick up/purchase TB tags as we are hoping to place a TB in the near future?
Thanks so much, Sam and Lily
You can purchase a travel bug tag online at http://shop.groundspeak.com/productDetail.cfm?CategoryID=4&ProductID=23 for $5.99 and it will be shipped to you. I have done that before and it works well.
Hope I helped,
When I tried to order direct from geocaching.com, I was told that they did NOT ship to Canada.
Here are Canadian sources for GC.com Travel Bug Tags and other mechandise.
Canadawww.gpscentral.cawww.gpscity.ca www.3geeks.ca http://www.angiesoutdoor.ca/geocaching/