I have started a new game called Cache Bingo!. To play, you need to first visit Cache Bingo! (GCX6DP) (once it is approved). Pick up your game card and start caching! Any cache you find after that is eligible to be used as a bingo number for your card. There are 32 cards available. There are prizes to be won and fun to be had! Questions can be posted here or on the cache page. Good luck!
Here are the rules:
Once you have signed the logbook in the cache, sign out one of the bingo cards as well. Simply write your name in the bingo card log sheet beside the card number you remove. Please make sure you are removing the correct card.This is your playpiece.
When you log your visit on Geocaching.com, please note the number of the bingo card you have taken. This will help me in verifying any claimed win.
Now go caching! Any subsequent cache finds from then on can potentially fill one of your boxes. You are looking for the last 2 digits in the coordinates as posted on Geocaching.com. Example
N 49 54.123 W 097 02.456
The above example would give you I-23, and G-56. For single digit numbers (in the "B" column), you must have the zero preceding the number(ie- N 49 51.306).
When you log your finds on geocaching.com for caches you intend to use in the bingo game, please note that in the log entry. Something to the effect of "I am using this cache to play Cache Bingo."
If the coordinates of a cache are adjusted after you find it, you can still use the numbers you claimed.
Anyone who picks up a bingo card can play. If you are visiting from Germany, you are welcome to take a card home and play there. Just be advised that any prizes you win must be picked up in Winnipeg!
*BONUS* Watch for my new Lizardo Cache Bingo! tokens in random caches I visit. If you find one of these tokens, you get to use it as a free play token in the column indicated by the letter on the token.
I guess you could say that is the grand prize. There are incremental prizes starting at completing a row, column or diagonal. There is a prize for the X, a box, and finally the grand prize of the complete card. Each individual card is only eligible for one line prize, but once you acheive that, you can still work towards one of the larger prizes.
I got my bingo card #11, I used the link you provided here to see the if the geocache was approved yet and it was so I went to get one. My question is when I am logged on the geocache website today and click on the List newest in Manitoba(on the right hand side & I was logged on) it was not listed. I just tried the geocache website again now to log on my find and it still does not show up in the new geocaches in Manitoba page. Do I need to make changes to my profile in geocaching website?
'New' caches are listed by date placed, not by date approved. If you keep looking through the list, you'll find the BINGO cache was placed on July 16th.
BTW, Thanks Lizardo for creating this game! This is going to give me something to do while visiting the in-laws in Ottawa next week!!
There have been a couple of rule updates on the Cache Bingo! cache page and as of today, there are 4 line winners and Ztirnats has claimed the "X" prize. Thought I'd post here as well in case folks are checking here for updates.
There are still 11 line prizes available and the "Box" and "Blackout" prizes are still up for grabs.