"Hi everyone, There is a new type of cache called the "geo-post office" We started it in Atlantic Canada, and it has spread to the USA, and now to parts of Europe. At present, there are 49 of them worldwide. While they are springing up in Eastern and Western Canada and the USA, there aren't a lot in central and midwestern North America. They are really easy to build, and we're trying to link them all up in a "pony express" kind of way. My geo post ofice listing can be found here: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=42db3d61-55ad-4925-95b5-aa2f06618214
If you have any questions, please email me, and if you want to cut and paste from my cache listing, feel free to do that as well. Once your GPO is posted, let me know so I can update the bookmark, and get you some advertising as well. Ideally, every medium size town will have one. Looking forward to sending mail to the first GPO in Manitoba. My gc name is "Zonker&co" Cheers!
I stubbled across one of these at Peggy's Cove. Unfortunatly I did not know what the scoop was at the time. It sounds like an unregistered geobug or something like that, i think?
It would be nice to have one in Winnipeg. I'll see what I can put together.
I can't go to hell, I don't have the co-ordinates.
What's the odds? We were just putting the final touches on our postal themed cache and noticed this thread pop up. With some minor adjustments we were on our way and may just have placed the first geo post office in Manitoba in Brandon. Of course it couldn't be that easy, we had to make ours a puzzle. Old habits die hard. Neat idea. I think we know a hider or two that will be into these types of caches.
I'm glad to see this thread here! I am a cacher in Nova Scotia and have put a couple of post cards in a cache here and want them to go to Flin Flon. I had to contact a cacher in Manitoba to place it in one of thier regular caches. Lets see what happens but it would be easier if they were linked somehow. Cheers all!!