Well, I suppose it was bound to happen, and perhaps we've been just lucky so far but we discovered our first drug cache very close to an existing geocache. It was in a tupperware container and looked very much like a geocache, until I noticed the swag wasn't the usual items. Aside from the inherrent danger of messing with some drug addicts most prized possessions it momentarily shattered my illusions of how safe caching in a city with young family can be. We could chalk it up to rural naivety of the urban environment, but there are drugs in the country too. I suppose it is just less densly packed and much less likely to accidently stumble upon, although coming across a still or a grow op in the middle of nowhere may be just as disconcerting for an urban cacher.
Anyway, we started to discuss what the best thing to do would be in these situations. The size of cache that we found would likely be more annoying than helpful to local police, but our sense of public responsibility wouldn't let us ignore it entirely. Thoughts or ideas from other cachers will be much appreciated.
I suppose it is a far cry from coming across a body (knock on wood).
I would do several things, get the police there, tell them why you were there, show them the geocache. Then tell the cache owner it should be moved ASAP, and why. Then get the heck out of the area.
Drugs vs. Dead Body ... hmmm I wouldn't want to find the dead body either. However, there is less chance of someone coming to retrieve the dead body and possibly with a gun! ... Holy Hollywood, Batman. Kind of surreal.
-- Edited by dani_carriere at 12:09, 2006-11-18
I use multi-billion dollar military satellite systems to find tupperware in a forest.
Ok, my vote is for "Notify the police" and "Accept that drug users need parks too"... And only partly joking about the second one.
As a group, we've made a game about poking around in places that the general public normally wouldn't look. And we're obviously not the only group that will do so. It's just a fact of life, and we should conduct ourselves accordingly.
And this is not just an issue for urban caches. I took my inlaws caching near their cabin this summer. We got to the cache site, which is as remote as anything still accessable by car, and I was informed that when they had been at this spot berry picking last year, they had found dozens of marijuana plants growing in the clearing we had parked beside.
I would "notify the police" and "leave it and warn other cachers". Multiple picks are allowed in this poll. Unfortunately the police may not be very interested.
I HATE Drugs and what they do to our communities and society.
With that said, You as an individual should never tamper with evedence as the police may be able to narrow down who the items belong to by either the items inside, or the finger prints on the items.
Not to mention the health risks you take if you handle drugs and paraphernalia but I am sure i don't have to tell you that.
Notify the police, bring the police out to pick up the item/s and make your persence know to the community.
The other night we where discussing a simular topic where it was reported a cache in Wpg was welcomed by security as it was disrupting the drug trade and activities due to people coming there more frequently.
We need to show the drug persons that this will not be tolerated, and we will not be bullied out of our right to a safe enviroment for us and our families.
My hubby, a teacher, said he'd call Crimestoppers. Personally, as a Mom, I'd do as I do with all junk I find that is dangerous for my kids. Destroy it. Find a garbage can or something. You can't leave it there (in my opinion). So CITO it right into nothingness somehow. I am cynical and think the cops don't really have time for stuff like that so just deal with it and get rid of it. Stuff like that makes me SOOO mad. But of course ordinary kids now are huffing keyboard cleaner and buying and ingesting other kid's medications for some insane reason since they don't seem to value their minds and bodies at all. I'd at least hurt one kid's habit for at least the day.
There comes a time in every rightly-constructed boy's life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
I had this happen to me in Rochester, New York once. I was bushwacking my way to the final part of a multi-cache, and about 100' away I came across a box full of marijuana plants. I marked a waypoint on my GPS and carried on to the final cache. The next day, I called the drug hotline number I found in the phone book and told them what I found. They explained to me that I needed to call 9-1-1 as they were the only ones that were able to dispatch an officer to check it out. So I called 9-1-1. They didn't seem all that interested. Especially when I told them I had found it the day before (it could have been moved since then) and when I told them that I just had GPS coordinates for it since it was hidden in the woods behind a park. I was told they only use the GPS for emergencies.
I wasn't really that satisfied with the response I got, so the next day I hiked back into the woods where I found the stash and dialled 9-1-1 on my cell and told them I was standing over a box full of marijuana plants. I offered to bring the plants to the parking lot and meet the officer there, which is what I did. In hind sight, this probably wasn't the best move on my part. I have been told that sometimes these stashes are boobytrapped in case someone tries to mess with them. I would have also been in trouble if the owners of the stash had seen me carrying the box out. I probably would have been better off to meet the officer, then lead him back to where the stash was.
My wife (a nurse) recently attended a conference here in Winnipeg that included a presentation by the Winnipeg police narcotics group. One of the most interesting things that came out of the presentation is that dealers these days are spiking marijauna with PCP and other wonderful drugs in order to get the new generation hooked, even using the so called 'soft' drugs. The chemicals used in manufacturing of harder drugs can be extremely harmful and thus the moon suits you see police wearing when entering a suspected drug lab. If you do find a drug cache, leave it alone and call police. Do not handle it and if you do, wash your hands immediately. Wear gloves at the best of times. You should also post a warning on the cache site to alert finders to the potential hazard. If the police don't show up immediately, there's not much you can do other than pester them without putting yourself at some kind of risk.