polarbeardiggers would like to say congrats to both mhz and ertyu for both reaching their 200 th finds, way to go guys, now you can slow down alittle,no rush,.
Well my 200th has been bobbing back and forth. P & G pointed out I duplicated their drive-in find even though I checked it twice, doh. So Kinsmen Trail is the kicker again.
My brother THz says that in Calgary they are taking bets on who will be the next to find their 1000th find. Who will it be in Manitoba? Not me as I'm rapidly being over taken by many new cachers who are far more eager and have more time than I have. Good luck to all!
Congratulations to 3T's&aG for their 100th find yesterday at Hundred Acre Wood Resurrected!
Many thanks to both TurdleEggs and MHz for their congratulations on my 100th find last night! And thanks to everybody for hiding those great caches! I'm well on my way to 200 now!
3T's&aG who cannot use that as her Alias here in this forum!
You're not a member of the MBGA until you've been bopped by Tobey in the chatroom!
Wow! 1Q4J just passed 400 like it was parked! You guys have boundless enthusiasm for GeoCaching and you help make it fun for all of us. Congratulations!