Having been out 'till the wee hours hunting "Heart Halting Horror in BHP" last night, and having had one of my most enjoyable cache experiences to date, I felt the need to share.
I've created a bookmark list on GC.com -- "Manitoba Must Finds". I'd like this list to reflect the best and most entertaining caches in the province, and am looking for recommendations to add to it.
What caches should be on the list? Waypoint/URL and a brief comment.
Some of my suggestions: World Peace (GCG4ZM) - the only letterbox and a very interesting historic site Scooby's Lunch (GCF771) - fun to find Hulda Ostman (R.I.P) (GCFFCA) - unexpected in an interesting place Oh Buoy Oh Buoy (GCNR91) - oddles of fun East Meets West TCDBMB (GCP7DF) - what geocacher can resist stopping here, a very nice hide Patriot Game (GCMNW4) - a good walking cache downtown Windy Acres (GCQ4FC) - gets you out to the wind farm The Ultimate Challenge (GCQF6D) - the ultimate challenge Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (GCPRQ5) - neat puzzle(s) Nutimik Fire Tower (GCVMFM) - amazing view Mighty Morty! (GCG3AK) - beautiful camp
Camp Hughes TCDNMB GCVGW2: Very interesting historic cache. Ye Olde Hawk Cache GC96C8: Beautiful area. Big Valley Cache GCNWMB: Challenging terrain, beautiful area. Riding Around Multicache GCQ4NJ: The cache that hooked us into caching, a little bit of everything.
We also second The Ultimate Challenge, which we've spent more time on that any other cache.
I've added a few suggestions, after having a look at the find logs...
To clarify, I'm hoping to create a small(ish) list of caches that pretty much everyone would consider fun and entertaining to find. The sort of cache that you'd take someone to if you wanted to show them how much fun caching is.
While the Ultimate Challenge and Untouchable are both well planned and entertaining, they don't fit the list as they require far too much effort (either mental or physical). Most people will get frustrated and not complete them...
Heart Halting Horror was *fun*. I'm really glad I invited my (non-caching) brother to do it with me. Nutimik Fire Tower and Ye Olde Hawk have inspired similar log entries.
"Welcome to the Caves", GCVEFD would be another worthy of mentioning.
Although I may have posted this cache, I am sure most who visit this site will agree this lake and all it's beauty are worthy of any mention as memorable caches.
And I also feel compelled to invite all parties to come to the north and check out the caches here and take a life time of memories home with everyone.
Here's a peek thanks to beancounter69 and this is the TB DNF Unlucky
What are the odds that we can nominate our own caches? :P
But no... ignoring the sel-promotion (unless you actually WANT to add it in), I found that 'Deadwood' was really fun. 'Monumental Cache' was a good one too. I am the walrus? had a really fun, long hike to get to... yet is fairly close to the city. And yeah, those are the ones off the top of my head that I remember really enjoying for the hike/view.
Yeah, don't know if anyone would agree with me on the above, but keep in mind I haven't found all that too many as of yet. Failing that, most of them have been either in, or very close to the city.
I really enjoyed the caches with stories such as Gnorman's Diamond Mineand the $25,000 cache series. I found the ideas original and the caches well done with lots of efforts and money put into it. I strongly suggests for new cachers.
A few of my favorite caches to date are (in no particular order): Tardis, PIRATE'S Last Laugh! and Woody. The first two are very unique with lots of work put into them and the destination for Woody is cool. A must for any new cachers.