hi it looks like i might finally get my gps back from ginny212 as we bought a magellan explorist 500 from london drugs for 199.00 yep it is the best price i have ever seen on that model. i was wondering if anyone knows where i might find the maps for it on the net or do i have to buy them
I actually have a copy of the MapSend DirectRoute software for U.S. and Canada (metro areas) that I am not using. I gave the Magellan Meridian Platinum unit I had to a friend of mine in Europe, and the North America maps were not much use to him.
I assume that it would work on an eXplorist unit. I bought the software a few years ago, before the eXplorist units were out, so it's not listed on the package as one of the units it supports.
I could sell you my copy for $50 or so. I paid about $100 for it originally. And, of course, if it didn't work for that unit, you could certainly return it to me for a full refund. Let me know if you're interested.
tag212 wrote: hey that sounds good ill get ginny to get in touch with you
I also have Magellin streets and destinations too...I'll bring it down with me this week, tues, wed and Thur...want a copy come an grab it...copy it and send it back if ya want. Let MHz, grnbrg or Turdle know and I'll set ya up.
Hi, my wife and I are new to this geocaching craze, and to GPS's in general. After putting some cash (no pun intended!) into a very nice Explorist 500LE I'm curious to know if there is any way to copy Magellan maps to cd? I'm looking in particular for the Canada topo 3D and/or the Canada street direct route.Some may find this practice to be unethical but I think the money Magellan asks for the software is RE-diculous! Cheers! the wanderers
The problem is, they have gotten smart and added strict licencing rules to their software. I don't think you can just get a copy of someone's software and expect to be able to load in on the eXplorist like you used to be able to with the older software/units.
I have often wondered what would happen if someone loaded the maps on the GPS, then saved them to disk. Could the disk then be used in a different GPS to load the maps from. Has anyone tried this?
Thanks for poop on the maps! guess I'll be sending some more cash to Mr. and Mrs. Magellan and all those little Magellans. I wonder if the magellan family ever does tea with the Gates??...Hmmmmm. Cheers Again!