Thanks for the idea burchil, here's the breakdown by rural municipality. Interesting to note that (92/130) 71% of RM's have had a cache placed in them.
Okay this was requested by a few people and probably will be quite helpful for cache hiders around Winnipeg. It's a high res map showing where all the active and archived caches in the Winnipeg area are in relation to city greenspaces (provided by burchil - thanks). One limitation to consider is that only the first stage of multis and pseudo point of puzzles are indicated. That being said it is probably a very handy guide to where there are green spaces devoid of caches (all those yellow coloured parks).
I saw a program called GeoQO mentioned in the Groundspeak forums, with a brief description of it's features. It's a waypoint management program with some manipulation and analysis features. *Very* new, though, and while it does work well, it's currently command-line only, and sparsely documented. It took me the best part of a day to get it set up and running. But (to me) was worth it. Not sure I'll continue to use it, but it was fun to play with.
Anyway, the feature that caught my eye was that it could export *.kml files that would create a density map in Google Earth. I'm impressed.
Do you see that dark blue area near city center in grnbrg density map? My house is at the top spike of the blue patch. Now you know why it's been so hard to get my 5km radius!
I use multi-billion dollar military satellite systems to find tupperware in a forest.
Awesome job on the stats, Dragonfreys. Very interesting. The next question: Is how often can/will you uptade these stats? Is most of the legwork done and it's just a question of updating once in a while or will it require inputing all the data all over again every time you want to update? It would be cool to see the progression over time from now on. Perhaps set a goal for Manitoba, let's say to reach 2000 caches by December 07. The stats could be used kinda like those big thermometers used for fundraising. Just an idea.
You think you have it difficult Dani, try living right in the middle of the blue spot. It makes for less driving around though...