We're doing a pre-order of the South Eastern New Brunwick geocoin that we have designed. The coin will be trackable on gc.com with a unique icon.
On the front, the spokes point to to various communities throughout the maritimes where caching is well represented. South Eastern New Brunswick encorporates communities such as Moncton, Riverview, Dieppe, Sackville and others. The back is representative of the Acadian flag, which can be seen throughout S.E. New Brunwick due to its rich Acadian history.
Each coin costs 9.75 CAD plus shipping. Currently the only paymen option is to contact us through gc.com and make arragnements. The coin will be ready sometime in mid-late February for shipping.
There are three editions of the coin, however all antique copper coins are sold out. There are antique gold and antique silver editions available in limited quantities. If there are any questions, please let me know.