I had a great time in Minneapolis this past weekend. Cached for 11 hrs on Friday, 11 on Saturday and 5.5 on Sunday. The caches on Friday were challenging so 2 or 3 per hour. On Friday the hides were a bit easier some times 5 per hour depending on how much hiking/jogging there was in between them. If anyone is planning a trip to Minneapolis email for ideas. Posen caches are awesome and rickrich caches are quick to find.
Wow, Posen is a cache hiding machine. That is incredible.
Looks like we won't have to wait long to congratulate you on 600, winnipegk5, but congratulations on being the highest Manitoba resident finder. Very impressive.
winnipegk5 wrote: I had a great time in Minneapolis this past weekend. Cached for 11 hrs on Friday, 11 on Saturday and 5.5 on Sunday. The caches on Friday were challenging so 2 or 3 per hour. On Friday the hides were a bit easier some times 5 per hour depending on how much hiking/jogging there was in between them. If anyone is planning a trip to Minneapolis email for ideas. Posen caches are awesome and rickrich caches are quick to find. -- Edited by winnipegk5 at 21:39, 2006-02-27
Okay what do you think your average would have been with 3 boys in tow between age 6-11? Are there any tenting sites central to those Posen caches? I think that is the only way we can afford a trip to Minneapolis in the near future...
There comes a time in every rightly-constructed boy's life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Had another great trip to Minneapolis. I picked only a couple of areas to concentrate on because there are so many caches. There isn't a lot of driving involved if you plan your trip and print out cache maps. Next trip is a week in Vegas.
Congratulations Lizardo on finding your 200th cache at Geocaching Fools Spring Potluck. Nice meeting you as well. -- Edited by Dragonfreys at 21:42, 2006-04-01
Way to go Lizardo!! Let's see how fast you can get your next 200!
You're not a member of the MBGA until you've been bopped by Tobey in the chatroom!
I’d like to add my congratulations to all the stellar cachers who hit milestones this weekend; MLKoop, 3T's&aG, Lizardo and Wagonmaker. It was neck and neck between 3T's&aG and Lizardo, but it looks like 3Ts made it across the line first my a nose!
We congrat all of you prolific caching teams out there. Really appreciate those of you who took time to find out Yellowhead caches (we know they are a bit simplistic but that is the point - it creates interest on a bit of a dull drive for us). Special congrats to those who did our Titanic #1 cache - it has been lonely and now the final co-ords are redone with a larger finale and you can find and log it again next time you are out there!
There comes a time in every rightly-constructed boy's life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Thank you all for the kudos, and I would also like to add my praise to the others who have hit milestones. Grnbrg, MLKoop, 3T's, and Wagonmaker. Good Job!
Way to go Tobey on getting to 200 just ahead of me. I can think of worse places to be than in your shadow. Mind you, I seem to be out of that shadow currently .
congrats on lizardo's yesterday three ftf finds ,aka hat tricks, i believe gumpy holds the most of three hat tricks to his massive 46 total ftf's ,i think i might have one hat trick on my total of 60 ftf's in total so far,was really tempted to head out last night when i saw the queens two new ones,but my code red light would not work,so opted to find caches on a regular cache hunt,but i will get to my 100 goal amount of ftf's eventually,.
Thanks for the kudos. The only one I had truly planned on going to get was the first one "Welcome Home". The other 2 in Brandon were just too close to pass up. And I always needed an excuse to take the long way home on highway 3. And the Fairburn School cache was a perfect reason! I scouted a couple of locations as well, so Beancounter69 will have some company out there!
Lucky for me I have had work to do where there have been unfound caches. Just worked out that way.
6 in 24 hours. I won't have that chance again, I'm sure.
Here we have a rare photo of the Manitoba Lizardo sprinting across prairie fields in spring. The Lizardo does this to impress his female with his hunting prowess. If the Lizardo can bring back enough pieces of paper to line the nest, his female will permit him to hunt any time of the day or night.
Here we have a rare photo of the Manitoba Lizardo sprinting across prairie fields in spring. The Lizardo does this to impress his female with his hunting prowess. If the Lizardo can bring back enough pieces of paper to line the nest, his female will permit him to hunt any time of the day or night.
Hunt? Did you say hunt day or night? That's not what I permit my man to do day or night.
Thank you, T. Seems like I've been doing this forever but my first anniversary is the end of this month. 6 countries and 2 continents later, I've seen a whack of interesting sites and met many great people along the way.
I wish I could get this excited about work sometimes!